Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Best Shakespeare Monologues Volume 1 FULL Audio Book

  Greatest Shakespeare Monologues, Volume 1 by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) William Shakespeare is to be considered the greatest playwright of all time.

He wrote in a variety of genres -- tragedy, comedy, romance, history -- and
each play features one or more memorable monologues. Some of these
teach a lesson, some are funny, some sad, some moving, some simply
characterize Shakespeare the poet at his best.

Here is the listing of famous monologues in Vol. #1 & their lengths:

- Merchant of Venice -- Quality of Mercy (Act 4, Scene 1) -- 00:01:31
Read by: Kirsten Ferreri

- Taming of the Shrew -- No Shame But Mine (Act 3, Scene 2) -- 00:01:40
Read by: Duan

- Macbeth -- They met me on the day of sucess (Act 1, Scene 5) -- 00:02:22
Read by: Lizzie Driver

- Romeo and Juliet -- More Than Prince of Cats (Act 2, Scene 4) -- 00:00:49
Read by: Shurtagal

- Macbeth -- Is this a dagger? (Act 2, Scene 1) -- 00:02:16
Read by: Julian Jamison

- A Midsummer Night's Dream -- If We Shadows Have Offended (Act 5, Scene 2) -- 00:01:19
Read by: Kara Shallenberg

- Henry V -- Prologue (Act 1, Scene 1) -- 00:02:32
Read by: Squid Varilekova

- King John -- I defy all counsel (Act 3, Scene 4) -- 00:02:17
Read by: Larysa Jaworski

- Romeo and Juliet -- Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo (Act 2, Scene 2) -- Read by: Laurie Anne Walden

- Twelfth Night -- I left no ring with her (Act 2, Scene 2) -- 00:01:39
Read by: Karen Savage

- The Tempest -- Be Cheerful Sir (Act 4, Scene 1) -- 00:01:13
Read by: Alan Davis-Drake

- Othello -- Emilia (Act 4, Scene 3) -- 00:01:57
Read by: Elizabeth Klett

- Hamlet -- Hamlet's Speech to the Players (Act 3, Scene 2) -- 00:02:39
Read by: Shurtagal

- Richard II -- Of Comfort No Man Speak (Act 3, Scene 2) -- 00:02:36
Read by: Mark Nelson

- Measure for Measure -- Tis One Thing To Be Tempted (Act 2, Scene 1) -- 00:01:14
Read by: Martin Clifton

"The quality of mercy is not strained" - The Merchant of Venice
"No shame but mine" - The Taming of the Shrew 
"They met me on the day of success" Macbeth 
"More than Prince of Cats" - Romeo and Juliet
"Is this a dagger I see before me" - Macbeth 
"If we shadows have offended" - A Midsummer Night's Dream 
Prologue - Henry V
"I defy all counsel" - King John 
"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" - Romeo and Juliet 
"I left no ring with her" - Twelfth Night
"Be cheerful, sir" - The Tempest
"Emilia" - Othello 
"Speak the speech I pray you" - Hamlet
"Of comfort no man speak" - Richard II 
"Tis one thing to be tempted" - Measure for Measure

This is a Librivox recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.
Total running time: 0:27:17
Cover design by Kathryn Delaney
British actress Kate Dolan as Portia, 1886

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